Knowing that there is at least one I-pod owning reader of this blog, I thought I would share with the world at large the latest state of the art accessory for the i-pod.
So without further ado, Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you, the I-pod Cozy. Available in several different animals including bear, dog, mouse and most amusingly bunny rabbit and fox, .
Thursday, 30 September 2004
what every ipod owner needs
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10:06 pm
Saturday, 25 September 2004
The ways of lvoe
Typos bend the mind in strange new directions. Take this one from Sally's blog: the ways of lvoe, which got me thinking as to what the ways of lvoe could possible be, and who lvoe might have been.
Some deep-thinking philosopher, probably sitting on a remote hilltop in a far-off land, pondering life, existance and coming up with important insights into the deeper depths of the human mind.
Things like :
the way to happiness is ...
always do this before/after that
check your boots for scorpions before putting them on
eat plenty of fruit/vegetables
and so on.
In the context of the blog, the ways deal with the path to happiness in married life. This kind of thing I guess, What women wish their partners to say more often, and the reverse. This is probably the most important though: Always make sure there is chocolate in the house.
Then it occured to me how different my line of thoughts would have gone if it had been a different typo using the same letters.
"I went to offer him the expereince of an expereinced, mature woman, wise in the ways of vole[s], in case there was anything he wanetd to know for his wedding night"
...the ways of voles would have been very strange indeed
Presented by
10:59 pm
Thursday, 23 September 2004
Now thats a strange liquid
The three most common states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. Related to this is that these properties of a chemical substance usually exist such that its melting point is below its boiling point. Take water for example. It melts at 0°C and boils at 100°C. Ok, a fairly normal chemical.
These guys("Law-breaking liquid defies the rules") have just found a mixture of chemicals that starts of as a liquid but as you heat it to between 40-70°C it solidifies, then re-liquifies as you cool it down again.
This would be like taking a cup of water and heating it in the oven and taking out a cup of ice!.
Quite amazing really.
Presented by
10:15 pm
Sunday, 19 September 2004
A Brief Glossary of Theatrical Technical Terms
Actors | Persons who insist on moving and/or talking when you are trying to illuminate them |
Audience | Persons that occupy the lavatory and bar at inconvenient times |
Band | "Musicians" who turn up three hours late for the sound check and blame you |
Bar | Sensible place to look for engineer |
Barn Doors | Used to stop animals in a barn escaping |
Bar Steward | Anyone or anything of which you disapprove |
Bleeding | Adjective applicable to almost anything |
Boom | That made you jump |
Bulb | Something you plant in the garden |
Channel | Very expensive French perfume |
Check | American method of payment |
Colour Magazine | supplement to Sunday newspaper |
Cross-fade | Vanish in an annoyed manner (much used by producers) |
Cue | Long line of persons waiting to get to the lavatory or bar |
Cyberlights | Vicious metallic adversaries of Doctor Who |
Dimmer | Less intelligent |
Director | Tells you where to park your car |
Engineer | Person who performs the impossible, usually yesterday, and 25% under budget |
Flies | Something to remember after visiting the lavatory |
Flown Bar | Place to look for an engineer on an aeroplane |
Follow Spot | Chase around after the dog |
Fuse | M6 bolt used as "safety" device in equipment |
Gaffa Tape | Alternative to nuts, bolts, safety chains, hook clamps, scaff, insulation, blackwrap, etc... |
Iris | Flower grown from a BULB |
Leko Lantern | Welsh Spotlight |
Light | Not on time, anywhere south of Oxford |
Microphone | Something for singers to aim away from |
Mixing Desk | Place to make complicated drinks |
Musical Director | Welsh Clergyman who sings |
PARCan | Leaving your car outside the venue |
Plug | Persuade critic that you play is better than anybody else's |
Producer | ridiculous person who demands the impossible, usually yesterday, and 25% under budget |
Profile | Abrasive instrument used by person paid to do so |
Prompter | Not so late |
Pyrotechnics | Producers method of communication at times of stress |
Rank Strand | Very smelly beach |
Refuse | 1) Replace broken M6 bolt
Socket | Hit it with your fist |
Spill | What happens to beer if you are careless with it |
Spot | Quantity or refreshment |
Stage left & right | Everyone else's right and left |
Tabs | Brown stripy cats |
Teasers | Ladies who remove their clothes on stage |
Technical Rehearsal | Chaos. Useful for producing nervous breakdown in Producer, who may then let you get on with your job in peace. |
Throw | The effect of musicals such as "The Sound of Music" |
Trackspot | Follow the dog, using a magnifying glass |
Upstage | The art of demonstrating how much better an actor you are than someone else |
Varilight | Sting of low voltage lights for Christmas Trees |
Wings | Paul & Linda McCartney's Band |
Presented by
10:32 pm
Tuesday, 14 September 2004
You think you know someone then...
Two good friends of mine from work returned from a couple of weeks of holiday today to announce to the world that they got married whilst they were away. You think you know someone really well, and that they are dead set against marriage and then they manage to pull something like this off without anyone suspecting a thing.
Anyway, belated congratulations to Barry and Sarah on their recent wedding.
They know how to live the high life though, as demonstrated by their honeymoon location, a small 2 mile x 3 mile windswept island off the west coast of Scotland somewhere, reachable only by a submerged causeway to one island and then a rowing boat to get to their island. Now that's what I call remote.
Presented by
11:08 pm
Sunday, 12 September 2004
I'm always amazed at the near-reality levels of realism that can be acheived with computer generated images, as these two examples show. Soon it will be possible to completely artificially generate images that are indistinguishable from the real version. Some would say that we are there already. Who's to say they are wrong...
Presented by
9:28 pm
Friday, 10 September 2004
Returning home
Its been almost two weeks since Greenbelt finished, and I've finally managed to spend more than a few hours actually at my house. This means I might actually get to unpack things, pack tents away and put my feet up. Bliss.
First off I was at mum+dads, which mainly involved sleeping until lunch them watching dvd's and reading a few books. Very relaxing after the hectic days of the festival. Then I watched as my brother started doing DIY on his new house. It was very strange to see him sanding and painting the walls and ripping out the old kitchen.
I guess that we have now both completed growing up, having finally moved out of home (I left at 18, he left it another 13 years before deciding to start out into the big wide world) it is more strange for mum and dad to have the family home just to themselves. The peace and quiet will probably come as a nice change for them :)
I briefly came home on sunday but only stayed for a few hours as I had to go to a conference with work. Typically the weather was absolutely fantastic mon-thurs, just as I was forced to spend each day shuttered up in a lecture theatre with no windows. To cap it all, the conference centre bar was closed for refurbishment. Arrgh.
Today I was back in work to try and catch up with the 127 emails that had accumilated during the time I was off. Most were about things that had already happened whilst I was not there, and so were pretty much pointless at this stage. I wish there was some way that could make emails expire after the meeting/actions the contents refer too has expired, a best-before-date if you will, so that I have less to sort through. It would have saved me several hours of torment today......
Presented by
11:18 pm
Wednesday, 8 September 2004
How the blog got its name.
If you are wondering why its called the horse wrestlers tale, here is Snowy making the initial capture of said horse at Greenbelt the other day. Mind you it had been running free for quite a while and made another bid for freedom just as Liz and I arrived on the scene. As the horse darted for a gap in the barrier, I cut it off with a solid rugby tackle on the front legs. Having been fed a sugar lump or two to calm it down, the horse was escorted to the doping sheds for further investigations, before being released back into the wild.
Presented by
9:49 pm
Sunday, 5 September 2004
In the beginning
And so it begins. If I can get near a computer for the next few days otherwise its going to be quite empty until thursday
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1:02 am