Sunday 19 September 2004

A Brief Glossary of Theatrical Technical Terms

Actors Persons who insist on moving and/or talking when you are trying to illuminate them
Audience Persons that occupy the lavatory and bar at inconvenient times
Band "Musicians" who turn up three hours late for the sound check and blame you
Bar Sensible place to look for engineer
Barn Doors Used to stop animals in a barn escaping
Bar Steward Anyone or anything of which you disapprove
Bleeding Adjective applicable to almost anything
Boom That made you jump
Bulb Something you plant in the garden
Channel Very expensive French perfume
Check American method of payment
Colour Magazine supplement to Sunday newspaper
Cross-fade Vanish in an annoyed manner (much used by producers)
Cue Long line of persons waiting to get to the lavatory or bar
Cyberlights Vicious metallic adversaries of Doctor Who
Dimmer Less intelligent
Director Tells you where to park your car
Engineer Person who performs the impossible, usually yesterday, and 25% under budget
Flies Something to remember after visiting the lavatory
Flown Bar Place to look for an engineer on an aeroplane
Follow Spot Chase around after the dog
Fuse M6 bolt used as "safety" device in equipment
Gaffa Tape Alternative to nuts, bolts, safety chains, hook clamps, scaff, insulation, blackwrap, etc...
Iris Flower grown from a BULB
Leko Lantern Welsh Spotlight
Light Not on time, anywhere south of Oxford
Microphone Something for singers to aim away from
Mixing Desk Place to make complicated drinks
Musical Director Welsh Clergyman who sings
PARCan Leaving your car outside the venue
Plug Persuade critic that you play is better than anybody else's
Producer ridiculous person who demands the impossible, usually yesterday, and 25% under budget
Profile Abrasive instrument used by person paid to do so
Prompter Not so late
Pyrotechnics Producers method of communication at times of stress
Rank Strand Very smelly beach

1) Replace broken M6 bolt
2) Say no to producer, usually just before being given last pay packet
3) The empty Pizza boxes and Beer cans ;left at the end of a show

Socket Hit it with your fist
Spill What happens to beer if you are careless with it
Spot Quantity or refreshment
Stage left & right Everyone else's right and left
Tabs Brown stripy cats
Teasers Ladies who remove their clothes on stage
Technical Rehearsal Chaos. Useful for producing nervous breakdown in Producer, who may then let you get on with your job in peace.
Throw The effect of musicals such as "The Sound of Music"
Trackspot Follow the dog, using a magnifying glass
Upstage The art of demonstrating how much better an actor you are than someone else
Varilight Sting of low voltage lights for Christmas Trees
Wings Paul & Linda McCartney's Band

1 comment:

1 i z said...
